
What prompted Moshe to ask to see Hashem's Kavod - which had no direct connection with the current situation?


Rashi: When he saw that it was a time of goodwill, that his requests were being accepted, he took advantage of Hashem's benevolence and asked for that, too. 1


Rashbam: He was asking for a covenant 2 to clinch the two promises 3 that Hashem had just made. 4


Hadar Zekenim (on Pasuk 14) and Da'as Zekenim (on Pasuk 15): He asked to hear and see Hashem's Honor.


Rashbam: As Hashem did with Avraham at the B'ris bein ha'Besarim. See Bereishis 15:8,17 & 18. Here too, Hashem acquiesced to Moshe's request. See later, 34:6 & 10.


Refer to 33:17:1:2.


Rashbam: He would not have dared to ask to benefit from the glory of the Shechinah - as we find by the Burning Bush (3:6), where the Torah praises him for hiding his face and declining to look at the Shechinah. (The Rashbam does not seem to explain Hashem's refusal to show Moshe His Face). Refer to 33:23:2:2.


What did Moshe want Hashem to show him?


Rashi, Ramban, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: He wanted Hashem to show him the Shechinah in all its glory. 1


Rashbam Refer to 33:18:1:2.


Seforno: He asked Hashem to show him how the entire universe draws from the Existence of Hashem, 2 in spite of the huge gap between Hashem and His creations.


Moshav Zekenim #1: He wanted to see the form over the Kisei ha'Kavod, and all of Ma'aseh Merkavah.


Moshav Zekenim #2 (citing the Rosh): He wanted to see Hashem's honor through a clearly (be'Aspaklarya ha'Me'irah). 3


Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 19): He wanted to see the form of Hashem's honor (the Shechinah) that He would send with Yisrael.


With a clear vision (Ispaklarya ha'Me'irah (Ramban).


Seforno: As the Pasuk writes in Yeshayah, 6:3 "M'lo Chol ha'Aretz Kevodo".


See answer #1.


Moshe did not want to look at the Shechinah at the Burning Bush (above, 3:6). Why did he ask here to see it?


Moshav Zekenim (citing R. Yeshayah): Then, Moshe did not rely on himself. Whereas here, he had already connected with the Shechinah, and relied on his own judgment.


Rashbam: He did not ask here to see Hashem. Refer to 33:18:1:2.


Moshe was the greatest prophet. Why did he ask for something impossible? If it was possible, Hashem would have bestowed it upon 'the faithful [servant] of His house'?


Moshav Zekenim (citing R. Yeshayah): It was impossible in one way, and possible in another way, Moshe could not see Hashem from the front, but he could see Him from the back.


Moshav Zekenim (in Pasuk 19, citing R. Yosef): Moshe thought that, after being so long on Har Sinai without eating, he was like an angel (and his powers of comprehension had increased).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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