
What is the significance of the fact that Par'oh harnessed his chariot?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: To teach us that he harnessed it himself, and not through his servants. 1


This was either a sign of hatred (See Ba'al ha'Turim, Pasuk 5 [Refer also to Bereishis, 22:3:2:1*]), or it was to encourage the army to join him.


How did Par'oh succeed in convincing his army to following him?


Rashi: He reminded them that a. after being smitten with ten plagues they had sent Yisrael away with all their money; b. he would lead them into battle 1 (unlike other kings, who tended to go into battle behind the troops), and c. would take an equal share of the booty with them, unlike other kings, who help themselves first to as much as they want). 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Par'oh was a dictator, and had the power to force the army to follow him. However, by virtue of the above acts (Refer to 14:6:2:1), he motivated them to follow him willingly with the same enthusiasm as himself. 3 And that is why they all deservd to suffer the same fate as him when the water of the Yam-Suf came crashing down on them.


Refer to 14:10:1:1.


See Sh'mos 15:9. Refer also to 14:6:1:1*.


As implied by the word "Imo". Refer also to 14:10:2:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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