
Why did Hashem stop Moshe from crying out to Him?


Rashi #1: Because, since Yisrael were in trouble, it was not the time for lengthy Tefilos.


Rashi #2: The salvation of Yisrael is not dependent on Moshe (or on anybody else) but on Hashem Himself. 1


Ramban: Moshe knew that the Egyptians were about to be destroyed, 2 and he was crying out to Hashem for advice on how Yisrael should proceed. Hence Hashem told him that there was no need to cry out, and that simply asking would have sufficed.


Seforno: When Yisrael Davened (Refer to 14:10:3:1), Moshe Davened too, and his Tefilah here was (not out of fear of the Egyptians 3 but), on account of the Resha'im, who brazenly asked about a shortage of graves, thinking that they would not listen to him to enter the sea. That is why Hashem ordered him to stop Davening and to instruct Yisrael to enter the sea - and to see for himself whether the Resha'im would not obey him. 4


Targum Yonasan: Because the Tefilos of Yisrael preceded his. 5


Hadar Zekenim: He was telling him that his Tefilos were not necessary, because Yisrael's merits and those of the Avos would suffice to save them.


Lev Eliyahu p.82: Because it did not depend on Hashem, but on Yisrael, who were being accused of idolatry, and the only way to negate it is through Emunah - by entering the sea. 6


As if the Torah had written "Alai (on Me) with an 'Ayin' (See Sifsei Chachamim). See also Yeshayah 45:11.


As Hashem had told him earlier (in Pasuk 4 [Ramban]).


Seeing as he had already informed Yisrael of their downfall - in Pasuk 13 [Seforno]).


Seforno To prove that he had been guilty of Choshed bi'Kesheirim (suspecting people who were innocent).


Since the Tefilos of a Tzibur are more affective than those of a Yachid.


Lev Eliyahu p.82: Because it did not depend on Hashem, but on Yisrael, who are being accused of idolatry, and the only way to negate it is through Emunah


How were they expected to travel, seeing as the Sea was in front of them?


Rashi: Based on the merits of their fathers and their own, and the faith that they displayed by going into the desert, the sea would split before them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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