
What is the significance of the phrase, "v'Es Rechusham Asher Rachshu b'Eretz Kena'an"?


Rashi: Yaakov was not interested in all the property that he had amassed in Padan Aram (by Lavan). He gave it to Esav, in exchange for Esav's portion in Me'aras ha'Machpelah. 1


See also Rashi to 50:5.


Why does it mention taking their flocks only now, but not above (46:1)?


Ohr ha'Chayim, Malbim: Initially [Bnei Yaakov] merely went to accompany Yaakov, and to greet Yosef. After the Nevu'ah, it was revealed to them that Hashem decided that they live in Mitzrayim until He wants to raise them out from there. Then they decided 1 to take with them all their flocks and possessions. 2


Ohr ha'Chayim: The verse also shows that even though Hashem commanded exile there, they were not stiff-necked, and Chas v'Shalom did not refrain from fulfilling the 'loan document' of exile. Rather, they took their children and came to Egypt.


They must explain that they returned to Chevron to take their flocks. (PF)

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