
Why were they afraid that Binyamin would die if he left his father?


Rashi: They were afraid that he would die on the way, just as his mother (Rachel) did. 1


Ramban: They were afraid that the journey would kill him; a. because of his childishness and b. because he was his father's favorite, who was not used to the travails of travel.


Riva, Hadar Zekenim, Seforno, Rashbam and Ramban #2 (citing the Ibn Ezra) 2 : It was not Binyamin that they were afraid would die, but Yaakov, who was so fond of Binyamin, that he would die of heartache, should he be parted from him.


Ha'amek Davar: Azivah is not for a short time, rather, absolutely, like "Al Ken Ya'azov Ish" (Bereishis 2:24). 3 And even if you will say that he is liable for his own calamity, you cannot keep him, due to what will happen to his father.


Note that Yehudah gave one reason and Yaakov (in 44:29) another. Moreover, Yehudah added that Binyamin could not part from his father - a third reason (See Sifsei Chachamim).


See the Ramban's objection to this explanation.


Presumably, he explains that permanently leaving him would be so painful that Binyamin would die, like others explain that Yaakov would die due to the pain (refer to 44:22:1:3).


Why did Yehudah not refer to the incarceration of Shimon, and the accusation that they were spies?


Ramban (to 44:21): Either because it would have been unethical to do so, or due to fear of the realm.


Ha'amek Davar 1 (to 44:19): (a) Yosef already admitted that he falsely accused them, and greatly appeased them for this. (b) It is improper to mention Yosef's mistake.


He discusses only why he did not mention the accusation. (PF)


Should Binyamin's law change because it can cause the death of his father?


Malbim (to 44:19): Yes. One may not punish a sinner in a way that will cause harm to others. 1



Rashi writes: "We are afraid that he will die on the journey; for his mother [also] died while on a journey." Why were they afraid of this?


Gur Aryeh: Travelling weakens a person's strength (Gitin 70a; derived from Tehilim 102:24). We are afraid that Binyamin's physical constitution is like that of his mother, and he will be unable to bear it.

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