
Why did Yosef repeat "Chalom Echad Hu"?


Oznayim la'Torah: Not only do the seven cows and the seven ears of grain both signify seven good years, but it is one dream and the two sets of seven years will run concurrently.


Ha'amek Davar: Do not think that there will be two sets of seven good years (and two sets of seven bad years), and there were two dreams because there will be a difference in the kind of satiation and hunger.



Rashi writes: "'Seven years... seven years' - The total is only [the same] seven." What does Rashi mean?


Gur Aryeh: Do not explain that the cows and ears were each seven years [for a total of fourteen], for that would not show how the two dreams are in fact one. 1


... As Yosef emphasizes at the end of the Pasuk. Rather, the fat cows and ears both allude to the same seven years of plenty.


Rashi writes: "Regarding the seven good years, Yosef says, 'He has informed Pharaoh' (41:25), for they were coming immediately; while for the seven years of famine, he says 'He has shown Pharaoh' (41:28), for they were far off." But we find the term "to inform" used even for distant events; so why not use the same term for both?


Gur Aryeh #1: "To show" is the preferred term for what is seen in a dream. For that which is near (and one does not need to be shown), the term "inform" is used.


Gur Aryeh #2: "To inform" implies good news, for one should not relate bad news 1 verbally (from Mishlei 10:18), rather merely to show it. 2


Gur Aryeh is giving an alternate answer, unlike Rashi, that the difference in terms is not due to the relative proximity of the events, but to their nature (EK).


See Pesachim 3b.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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