
Why does the Torah insert "Beneihem," without mentioning the female camels?


Rashi: Don't read it 'Beneihem,' 1 says the Midrash, but "Bana'eihem" (with reference to their males, which matched the females - one male camel per female camel). 2 The Torah only hints this, because camels are particularly modest in their mating habits.


Hadar Zekenim: There is no word in Leshon ha'Kodesh for female camels. 3


Rashbam: "Beneihem" means literally 'their babies.'


Peninim mi'Shulchan ha'Gra, Ha'amek Davar: The word Beneihem is extra. Milk of a Tamei animal is Asur. Surely he mentioned that they are nursing due to the children (Bava Basra 78b)! (This assumes that Esav and his family and entourage would not drink Tamei milk, even after he moved away from his father. This is astounding! - PF).


See Na'ar Yonasan as to whether there were thirty camels in total, or thirty males and thirty females. Ba'al ha'Turim (to 32:15) must hold that there were 30 in all, for he says that there were 550 animals in all. Rashi says that there were 30 males plus 30 females; so too Ohr ha'Chayim (to 32:15).


Even so, the Torah could have specified the number of nursing camels and the number of Beneihem! It seems that he must hold like Rashi, that it is due to their modesty. (PF)


What are "Ayarim"?


Rashi: Male donkeys. 1


Targum Yonasan: They are tender babies.


As in Zecharyah 9:9; see Rashi there.



Rashi writes: "'Nursing camels... thirty' - and their young along with them." But perhaps this means that the total of mother and young camels equaled thirty?


Gur Aryeh: The recipient of a gift [mentally] itemizes and tallies each component separately. From his perspective, he would not think to tabulate the sum of two different components together. The mothers themselves were 30 (and each came along with its young).


Rashi writes: "A homiletic Midrash; 'their sons' (Beneihem) [means] 'their builders' (Bana'eihem); i.e. one male for each female." Why interpret this way ?


Gur Aryeh: Why would the camels be different than the other species, and be sent without males? 'Beneihem' must refer to the males.


Rashi writes: "... One male for each female." How do we know this; perhaps there were fewer?


Gur Aryeh #1: Just as in the simple meaning of the text, there was one child per mother, 1 the Midrash also must mean one male per female.


Gur Aryeh #2: The recipient of a gift tallies each component separately. 2 Male and female camels are also distinct in terms of significance (or value); the verse must mean that there were thirty males and thirty females.


Refer to 32:16:0.1:1.


Refer to 32:16:0.1:1.

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