
THE STATUS OF A CRAFTSMAN AND OTHERS (Yerushalmi Halachah 5 Daf 27a)

משנה כל האומנין שומרי שכר וכולן שאמרו הבא מעות וטול את שלך שומר חנם שמור לי ואשמור לך שומר שכר


(Mishnah): All craftsman (who take an item home to work) are considered paid watchmen. Whoever said "Bring money and take your item'' becomes an unpaid watchman. If he said, "Watch for me and I will watch for you'', he is considered an unpaid watchman.

שמור לי ואמר לו הנח לפני שומר חנם


If he said, "Guard for me'' and the other one said, "Put it down in front of me'', he is considered an unpaid watchman.

המלוה על המשכון שומר שכר


One who takes collateral for a loan, he is considered a paid watchman.

רבי יודה אומר הלוהו מעות ש''ח הלווה פירות שומר שכר


R. Yehudah: It depends - if he lent money, he is an unpaid watchman; if he lent fruit, he is a paid watchman (as the Gemara will explain).

אבא שאול אומר מותר אדם לשכור משכונו של עני להיות פוסק עליו והולך מפני שהוא כמשיב אבידה:


Aba Shaul: A person may rent out the collateral of a poor man, as the rental money will be taken as payment of the loan. It is as if the lender is 'returning a lost article' to the borrower by doing so.

גמרא הדא אנטיכריסים רבית הוא.


(Gemara): If a person gave an item to a craftsman to repair, once he has finished the work, one is not allowed to send him a gift, as it appears like he is paying interest, since the payment for the work has become a loan.

שמואל אמר בשאמר לו הנח לפניי אבל אמר לו הנח לפניך אינו לא שומר חנם ולא שומר שכר.


Shmuel: The case of (b) is when he said, "Put it down in front of me'', but if he said, "Put it in front of you'', he is neither an unpaid nor a paid watchman.

א''ר יוחנן רוצה אדם ליתן כמה ולמכור פירותיו על ידי משכון


R. Yochanan: A person prefers to give his fruit to a middleman to sell and take delayed payment from a buyer, as long as he receives collateral from the buyer in the meanwhile. Similarly for a loan, a person prefers to pay a middleman who will lend out is fruits for collateral. This is because if the owner retains the fruit, it is likely to rot; and when he lends it out, the loan is returned with fresh fruit. Therefore, he is acting as a paid watchman since he is gaining from the loan.

רבי אבהו בשם ר' יוסי בן חנינה רוצה אדם ליתן כמה ולמכור פירותיו למי שיפייסנו על ידי משכון:


R. Abahu citing R. Yosi ben Chaninah: Similarly, a person would give generously to one who convinces his to sell his fruit for collateral (i.e. to a middleman who convinces the buyer to buy the produce.)