
BUYING FROM A WHOLESALER (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 5 Halachah 4 Daf 22a)

îùðä äìå÷ç îï äôìèø [ãó îå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îòùø îëì èôåñ åèôåñ ãáøé øáé îàéø


(Mishnah) (R. Meir): If one buys from the wholesaler (who buys from bakers), he must tithe from each shape.

øáé éäåãä àåîø îàçã òì äëì åîåãä øáé éäåãä áìå÷ç îï äîðôåì ùäåà îòùø îëì àçã åàçã:


(R. Yehuda): He can tithe from one for all. And R. Yehuda agrees that if you buy from the Manpul, he must tithe from each and every one.

âîøà øáé îàéø àåîø ðçúåí òåùä èôåñ à' åôìèø îùúîù áëîä ðçúåîéï


(Gemara): R. Meir reasons that a wholesaler buys from a number of bakers who each sell their own shape. (So within the same shape, tithing is permitted; but not from shape to shape.)

ø"é àåîø ðçúåí òåùä ëîä èôåñéï åôìèø îùúîù áðçúåí àçã


R. Yehuda reasons that a baker uses a number of shapes and a wholesaler buys from one baker.

àéæäå îðôåì


Question: What is a Manpul?

ãáé øáé éðàé àîøé è' ôìèøéï åé' ðçúåîéï úéîðé' îï ãúéîðé' åçã îï ãúøéé


(D'Bei R. Yannai): If there are 9 wholesalers and 10 bakers (in the city) - 8 wholesalers buy from 8 bakers and the 9th wholesaler (known as the Manpul) buys from 2 bakers. Therefore, (even according to R. Yehuda,) since it is not known which wholesaler is the Manpul, all must be viewed as such and a buyer must tithe each loaf from whoever he buys.

øáé éåðä áòé äéå ìôðéå ùðé èôñéï äåëéç òì òöîå ùäï ùðééí


If (all of the other wholesalers have one shape and) this one has two shapes in front of him, he shows himself to be the one who buys from two bakers.

[ãó îå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äåùåå ëìï ìòùåú èôåñ àçã îòùø îëì ëëø åëëø


Question: If all bakers then began making the same shape, do we say that he has already proven himself to buy from two, so that when buying from the other wholesalers, one may tithe one loaf for all of them; or must he still tithe from each and every loaf when buying from all of the wholesalers?

øáé éåðä áòé ëîä ãúéîà è' ôìèøéï åé' ðçúåîéï úéîðéà îï ãúéîðéà åçã îï ãúøéé åãëååúä è' ðçúåîéï åòùøä ôìèøéï úéîðéà îï ãúéîðéà (åçã îï ãúøéé)[åúøéé îï çã] àå úùòä îï ãúùòä åçã îï ëåìäåï îòùø îëì ëëø åëëø:


Question (R. Yona): Just as you say that if there are 9 wholesalers and 10 bakers (in the city) - 8 wholesalers buy from 8 bakers and the 9th wholesaler buys from 2 bakers; so too if there are 9 bakers and 10 wholesalers, do we say that 8 wholesalers buy from 8 bakers and two wholesalers buy from one baker - so that every wholesaler only bought from one baker and one tithe can be made from all that the wholesaler sold. Or alternatively, do we say that 9 wholesalers bought from 9 bakers and the 10th wholesaler bought from all of the bakers, and since we do not know which wholesaler did this, Maaser must be taken from each and every loaf...? (The Gemara does not answer these two questions.)