ZEVACHIM 114 - Dedicated by Mrs. G. Kornfeld in honor of the Yahrzeit of her mother, Mrs. Gisela Turkel (Golda bas Chaim Yitzchak Ozer), an exceptional woman with an iron will who loved and respected the study of Torah.


UNDERSTANDING THE ORDER OF THE MISHNAH (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 5 Halachah 2 Daf 20b)

òã ëãåï ëäï ìåé [ãó îâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] éùøàì àéï éàîø úøåîú îòùø ðîöà îôøéù òì ãáø ùàéðå ùìå


This declaration is valid for a Kohen or Levi, but as for a Yisrael, if he says the phrase for Terumas Maaser, he is separating it for something that is not his.

[ãó ëà òîåã à] îòùø åàç"ë úøåîä ðîöà î÷ãéí, úøåîä åàçø ëê îòùø ðîöà àå ôåçú îîòùøåúéå àå îåñéó òì îòùøåúéå


The reasoning of the order of the Mishnah is - if he would first separate Maaser and then Terumah, his separating Maaser precedes that of Terumah (which is prohibited); if he would first separate Terumah and then Maaser, he has either reduced or added to his Maaseros...

ëäãà ãúðé äôåçú îîòùøåúéå îòùøåúéå îúå÷ðé' åôéøåúéå î÷åì÷ìé' äîòãéó òì îòùøåúéå îòùøåúéå î÷åì÷ìéí åôéøåúéå îúå÷ðé'


It would be like the Baraisa - one who reduces his Maaseros, his Maaseros are fixed but his fruits are ruined; one who adds to his Maaseros, his fruits are fixed but his Maaseros are ruined...

[ãó îâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåñé áñîåê òì úðéé áéú ãéï äåà îäå úðéé áéú ãéï òã î÷åí ùäãòú èåòä:


Baraisa (R. Yosi): He is relying on the stipulation of Beis Din, that one is permitted to deviate from 1/10th as much as a person could be mistaken.

îäå úðéé á"ã àîø øáé éåçðï ëãé ùéäà ÷åáò îòùø øàùåï áöôåðå åîòùø ùðé ìãøåîå åúøåîú îòùø áöôåï öôåðéú.


What (else) is a stipulation of Beis Din? R. Yochanan said - that he fixes the Maaser Rishon on its northern side, Maaser Sheni on its southern side and Terumas Maaser on the northern (tip) of the northern side.

îäå úðéé á"ã äåà ìëùéôãä îòùø ùðé ùáòåãó ôãåé


What (else) is a stipulation of Beis Din? When he will redeem, the Maaser Sheni added (by Beis Din's stipulation) will be redeemed.

òã ëãåï (áéáù áìç)[áìç áéáù]:


This Mishnah's discussion only applies to liquids, but what if it was a solid? (Liquids become completely mixed, so it is true to say that when he takes the 10th, there is a mixture of Maaser and Chulin; but if the produce is a solid, it doesn't mix...)

äåä ìéä îàä úðàéí çîùéï øáøáéï åçîùéï ã÷é÷éï àéï îñá îï øáøáéà öøéê ðñéá úùò îï ã÷é÷úà öøéê îéñá àçú òùø [ãó îã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ðñá òùøä îï øáøáéà àéú úîï çãà çåìéï


If he had 100 figs, 50 large and 50 small, if he wants to take from the large ones for Maaser, he must take only 9 of them; and if he wants to take from the small ones, he must take 11. If he took 10 of the large ones, he has taken one too many and the stipulation of Beis Din applies, that one of them remains Chulin.

åçù ìåîø ùîà àåúä çåìéï òåùä àåúä úøåîú îòùø ìî÷åí àçø åëúéá úøåîú ä' îòùø îï äîòùø åìà çåìéï îï äîòùø


Question: Shouldn't there be a concern that when he then takes one of the 10 as Terumas Maaser, he has taken the one that is Chulin - and the pasuk states (Bamidbar 18:26), "the Terumah of Hash-m, Maaser from Maaser" - and not Chulin from Maaser...?

àîø øáé áåï áø ëäðà îúðä åàåîø îòùø äæä ùäôéøåú äììå çééáåú äøé äåà ÷áåò áúçìú ëì òå÷õ åòå÷õ åîäìê òã ùäåà îâéò áëì òùø îñá àéú áäåï çãà úøåîú îòùø åëì ùäåà çåìéï


Answer (R. Bun bar Kahana): Rather, the stipulation of Beis Din that he makes is (that each of the figs should be 9/10th Maaser, and he should say), "The Maaser in which these fruits are obligated should be at the beginning of each stem.

òã ëãåï ãáø îøåáä äéä ãáø îîåòè äåä ìéä òùø úàðéí çîù øáøáéï åçîù ã÷é÷éï àéï éñá îï øáøáúà öøéê îñá çãà ôøà öéáçø îï ã÷é÷úà öøéê îñá çãà åòåã öéáçø ðñéá çã îï øáøáúà àéú úîï ëì ùäåà çåìéï:


Until this point, we have discussed only a large quantity of produce; but if it was a small quantity, for example, if he had 10 figs, 5 large and 5 small - if he takes from the large ones, he must take a little less than one for Maaser; if he takes from the small ones, he must take a little more than one. If he mistakenly took a whole large one, he has taken too much (and some of it is Chulin)...

åçù ìåîø ùîà àåúå äçåìéï òåùä úøåîú îòùø ìî÷åí àçø åëúéá úøåîú ä' îòùø îï äîòùø åìà çåìéï îï äîòùø


Question: (As earlier) Shouldn't there be a concern that when he then takes a part as Terumas Maaser, he has taken the one that is Chulin - and the pasuk states (Bamidbar 18:26), "the Terumah of Hash-m, Maaser from Maaser" - and not Chulin from Maaser...?

à"ø àáà ÷øúéâðééà îúðä åàåîø äîòùø äæä ùäôéøåú äììå çééáåú äøé äåà ÷áåò áúçéìú äòå÷õ åîñééí åàåîø ìëäï òã ëàï ñééîúé


Answer (R. Aba Kartigania): It is as if he said, "The Maaser in which these fruits are obligated is established at the beginning of the stem." And he ends by saying to the Kohen, "Until here (on the fig) I ended (the Terumas Maaser)."

(äøé äåà áöã æä çåìéï èáì åéàîø äøé äåà áöã æä îòùø ðîöà î÷ãéí åéàîø äøé äåà áöã æä úøåîä [ãó îã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ðîöà àå ôåçú òì äúøåîä àå îåñéó òì äúøåîä îúåê ùäåà àåîø äøé äåà áöã æä çåìéï èáì àå ôåçú îï äúøåîä àå îåñéó òì äúøåîä àéï áëê ëìåí)


(Note: According to the Vilna Gaon, this entire entry should not be part of the text, as it was already explained at the beginning of the Halacha.)