
THE STATUS OF A KVI (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 2 Halachah 6 Daf 10a)

îúðé' ëåé éù áå ãøëéí ùåä ìçéä åéù áå ãøëéí ùåä ìáäîä åéù áå ãøëéí ùåä ìçéä åìáäîä [ãó ëà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åéù áå [ãøëéí] ùàéðå ùåä ìà ìçéä åìà ìáäîä.


(Mishnah): (A Kvi is a crossbreed of a goat and a deer. Chachamim were unsure of its status.) In some ways, a Kvi is like a Chayah. In some ways, it is like a Behemah. In some ways, it is like a Chayah and a Behemah. In some ways, it is not like a Chayah and not a Behemah:

ëéöã ùåä ìçéä ãîå èòåï ëéñåé ëãí äçéä åàéï ùåçèéí àåúå áéåí èåá åàí ùçèå àéï îëñéí àú ãîå


How is it like a Chayah? Its blood must be covered (due to Safek), like a Chayah, but (it is not a Vadai Chayah, so) we do not slaughter it on Yom Tov, and if one slaughtered it on Yom Tov, he does not cover its blood (he may not move ashes, which are normally Muktzah, amidst Safek);

åçìáå îèîà èåîàú ðáéìä ëçéä åèåîàúå áñô÷


Its Chelev has Tum'as Neveilah, like a Chayah, and its Tum'ah is Safek. (If it is a Chayah, Shechitah permits eating the Chelev, so if it is a Neveilah, the Chelev is Metamei like its flesh.)

åàéï ôåãéí áå ôèø çîåø.


One may not redeem a firstborn donkey with it (if it is worth less than the donkey, for this was said only for a Seh (goat or sheep), and perhaps it is not a Seh).

ëéöã ùåä ìáäîä çìáå àñåø ëçìá äáäîä åàéï çééáéí òìéå ëøú åàéðå ðì÷ç áëñó îòùø ìåëì áéøåùìéí


How is it like a Behemah? Its Chelev is forbidden, like Chelev Behemah, but (it is not a Vadai Behemah, so) one is not Chayav Kares for it (for it is a Safek), and one may not buy it with Kesef Ma'aser to eat it in Yerushalayim (we buy only animals proper for Shelamim);

åçééá áæøåò åáìçééí åá÷éáä.


It is obligated in [Matanos, i.e.] the foreleg, jaw and stomach;

øáé ìòæø ôåèø ùäîåöéà îçáéøå òìéå äøàééä.


R. Lazar exempts, for ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah.

ëéöã àéðå ùåä ìçéä åìáäîä àñåø îùåí ëìàéí òí äçéä åòí äáäîä


How is it is not like a Chayah and not a Behemah? It is forbidden due to Kil'ayim (mating or working) with a Chayah, and with a Behemah;

äëåúá çééúå åáäîúå ìáðå ìà ëúá ìå àú äëåé


If one wrote [a gift document giving] his Chayos or Behemos to his son, he did not write to him the Kvi. (MAHARA FULDA - some say that even if he wrote both, he gave only Vadai Chayos and Vadai Behemos.)

àîø äøéðé ðæéø (ùæä) [ö''ì ùàéï æä - äâø''à] çéä åáäîä äøé æä ðæéø.


If one said 'I am a Nazir if this is a not a Chayah or Behemah, he is a Nazir.

åùàø ëì ãøëéå ùåéï ìçéä åìáäîä èòåï ùçéèä ëæä åëæä åîèîà îùåí ðáéìä åîùåí àáø îï äçé ëæä åëæä:


In all other ways it is like a Chayah and a Behemah. It requires Shechitah, like this and this. It is Metamei due to Neveilah, and due to Ever Min ha'Chai, like this and this.

âî' àéæäå ëåé


(Gemara) Question: What is a Kvi?

[ãó é òîåã á] àîø øáé ìòæø òæ ùòìä òì âáé öáé åöáé ùòìä òì âáé òéæä.


Answer #1 (R. Lazar): It is [from a male] goat that mated with a [female] deer, or a male [deer] that mated with a female goat;

åøáðéï àîøéï îéï äåà òé÷øå åìà éëìå çëîéí ìòîåã òìéå:


Answer #2 (Rabanan): It is a species unto itself, and Chachamim could not decide [its status].

ôãåé áëåé çåæø åôåãä áùä ìôéëê àí îú àçã îäï äîåöéà îçáéøå òìéå äøàéä:


If one redeemed [a Peter Chamor] with a Kvi, he returns and redeems with a Seh. Therefore, if one of them (the Kvi or Seh) died, ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah. (The Yisrael can say, perhaps the redemption was through the dead one; I let you take it. Until you prove that it was through the live one, you may not take the live one!)

îúðé' ãìà ëøáé ìòæø ãúðé øáé ìòæø àåîø ëåé (àéï) çééáéí òì çìáå àùí úìåé.


Our Mishnah is unlike R. Lazar, for R. Lazar says, a Kvi, one is liable Asham Taluy for its Chelev (it is Safek Kares).

[ãó ëà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îúðé' ãìà ëøá ãøá àîø ëì ùàé àôùø ìòîåã òì åãàå àéï çééáéï òì ñôé÷å àùí úìåé.


Question: This Beraisa [of R. Lazar] is unlike Rav, for Rav says, any [Safek] that it is impossible to clarify it, he is not liable Asham Taluy for the Safek!

ôúø ìä çìå÷éï òì ãáøé øáé ìòæø.


Answer: [Rav] answers [I hold like] Chachamim (e.g. our Mishnah; they) argue with R. Lazar.

åàôéìå (áùòä ùäéå ìå÷çéí áäîä) [ö''ì çéä - äâøé''é ÷ðéáñ÷é] ìáùø úàåä àéðå ðì÷ç áëñó îòùø ìéàëì áéøåùìéí:


Question: Even when they used to buy [with Kesef Ma'aser] Behemos for Basar Ta'avah (before they decreed to buy only to offer for Shelamim), one may not buy it with Kesef Ma'aser to eat it in Yerushalayim (for one may not eat the Chelev, due to Safek; he wastes Ma'aser. We explained this like HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)

åçééá áæøåò åáìçééí åá÷éáä øáé ìòæø ôåèø.


(Mishnah): It is obligated in [Matanos, i.e.] the foreleg, jaw and stomach; R. Lazar exempts.

øáé ìòæø ãå àîø òëùéå äåà ðñúô÷ ìå ãå àîø ôèåø. åøáðéï ãéðåï îøéï îéï äåà òé÷øå àéðåï àîøéï çééá.


R. Lazar holds that now we have a Safek about it, so he exempts (ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah). Rabanan holds that it is a species unto itself, and he is obligated ("Im Seh'' includes it).

îúðé' ãìà ëøáé ãúðé ä÷ãéù çééúå åáäîúå ìà ä÷ãéù àú äëåé øáé àåîø ä÷ãéù àú äëåé.


Our Mishnah is unlike Rebbi, for a Beraisa teaches, if one was Makdish his Chayos or Behemos, he was not Makdish the Kvi; Rebbi says, he was Makdish the Kvi.

àîø äøéðé ðæéø ùæä çéä ðæéø ùæä áäîä ðæéø ùàéï æä çéä ðæéø ùàéï æä áäîä ðæéø ùæä çéä åáäîä ðæéø ùàéï æä ìà çéä åìà áäîä ðæéø.


If one said 'I am a Nazir if this is a Chayah', he is a Nazir; 'that this is a Behemah', he is a Nazir; 'that this is not a Chayah', he is a Nazir; 'that this is not a Behemah', he is a Nazir; 'that this is a Chayah and a Behemah', he is a Nazir; 'that this is not a Chayah and not a Behemah', he is a Nazir.

øáé çâé áòé ÷åîé øáé éåñé ìîä ìà úðéðï äøåáò åäðøáò (îîéðå) [ö''ì îîðå - ø''ù ñéøéìéå] çééá.


Question (R. Chagai, to R. Yosi): Why was it not taught one who is Rove'a it or Nirva from it (plays the male or female part in bestiality) is liable?

àîø ìéä úðéúä áñåôä åùàø ëì ãøëéå ùåéï ìçéä åìáäîä:


Answer (R. Yosi): The Seifa taught this - in all other ways it is like a Chayah and a Behemah.

äãøï òìê ôø÷ äúøåîä åäáéëåøéí