

תוספות ד"ה דתנא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions whether there are indeed only thirteen methods of derivation.)

תימה דר' ישמעאל תני בי"ג מדות התורה נדרשת והא איכא טפי הך מדה דשני כללות הסמוכו' דדרשינן בריבה ומיעט


Question: This is difficult, as Rebbi Yishmael writes that the Torah is derived using thirteen methods of derivation. There are clearly more, such as this method of two general rules near each other which are derived using the "inclusive exclusive" method!



תוס' ד"ה בשבועות

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this answer is not preferred.)

זימנין דלא בעי למימר הכי בפרק כיסוי הדם (חולין דף פה:) גבי רבי חייא דנפל ליה יניכה בכיתני' וא"ל רבי צא ונחור ופריך ולימא ליה צא וטרוף


Implied Question: There are times when one does not have to say this. Such is the case in Chulin (85b) regarding Rebbi Chiya who had a worm fall into his linen. Rebbi said to him, "Go out and rip it open." The Gemara asks, why didn't he say to him to go out and make it a Treifah (as he held)? [Why didn't the Gemara similarly answer that he said it but does not hold that way?]

דהא רבי ראה דבריו של ר"ש בכיסוי הדם ושנאם בלשון חכמים דשחיטה שאינה ראויה לא שמה שחיטה ולא בעי למימר תני לה ולא סבר לה


Answer: Rebbi saw Rebbi Shimon's words in Chulin and taught them in the terms used by the Chachamim, that a Shechitah that is invalid is not called a Shechitah. The Gemara there does not want to have to say that he taught it like this, but did not hold this way.



תוס' ד"ה "ונעלם"

(SUMMARY: Tosfos defends an opinion that the husband of a Sotah once knew for certain that his wife had an affair.)

י"מ דה"ל ידיעה שנטמאת דהכי משמע קרא ושכב איש אותה שכבת זרע ונעלם וגו'


Explanation: Some explain that this is referring to (his) knowing she became impure (i.e. had an affair), as this is the implication of the Pasuk, "And a man will lay with her a laying of seed, and it will be forgotten/hidden etc."

וקשה לפירוש זה דהיכי דמי אי בשעת השקאה נזכר מן הטומאה למה משקה אותה ואם אינו נזכר אמאי משקה אותה הא בעינן ידיעה מעיקרא והוא סבור שלא היתה לו ידיעה מעולם


Question: This explanation has a difficulty. What is the case? If he remembered that she became impure when she was being given the Sotah water to drink, why does he give her to drink? [The Sotah water is only for a doubt, not when he knows she is impure!] If he does not remember, why does he give her to drink at all? We require a prior knowledge, and he understands that he has no prior knowledge!

ומיהו יש ליישב דמיירי כשאינו נזכר ומ"מ משקה אותה מספק דע"י השקאה יתברר אם היתה לו ידיעה מעיקרא או לאו


Answer: It is possible to answer that he does not remember, and he anyway gives her to drink as through her drinking it will become clear if he originally knew.

ולפי המפרשים דונעלם קאי אסתירה מיירי שפיר דבשעת השקאה זכור מן הסתירה


According to the opinions that "And it will be forgotten/hidden etc." refers to her being hidden away with this man, it is understandable that at the time she is drinking it is remembered that she was secluded with this man.

אבל מ"מ קשה אמאי חשיב ליה אין מנוקה אם לא בא עליה משנסתרה


Question: It is still difficult. Why isn't he (the husband) considered clean from sin if he did not have relations with her from when she was secluded?

וי"ל כיון דשכח מוכיח שלא הקפיד ולא חשיב מנוקה מעון דאפילו אינו מוחה אעון בניו ובנותיו אין מים בודקין את אשתו כדאיתא בפ"ב דסוטה (דף מז:) ואמר נמי התם אם אתם מקפידין על עצמכם המים בודקין את נשותיכם


Answer: Being that he forgot, it is clear that he simply didn't care (whether or not she was forbidden to him) and is therefore not clean of sin. Even if one does not protest the sin of his sons or daughters the water does not check his wife, as stated in Sotah (47b). The Gemara there also says that if you are careful about yourself (not to have forbidden relations), the water will check your wives.



תוס' ד"ה ידיעת

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it is enough to know the law to fulfill the Pasuk that he knew beforehand.)

אף על פי שדבר זה לא נעלם ממנו שגם עתה יודע כן ולא אתי למעוטי אלא תינוק שנשבה וכן בסוטה יודע שאם נטמאה אסורה וגבי תורה נמי אף בשעת העלמה נמי יודע שהיא בעולם


Explanation: This is called knowing, even though this information was never hidden from him, as he knows it now as well. It is coming to exclude a child who was captured (who never knew this was forbidden). The same applies to Sotah, meaning that he knows that if she becomes impure (has an affair) she becomes forbidden to him. The same applies to Torah, as even when it is unknown to him (certain aspects of the Torah), he knows it exists.



תוס' ד"ה אמר ליה

(SUMMARY: Tosfos states another question that Rav Papa could have asked.)

ה"ה דה"מ למיפרך אהא דדריש מקרא דונעלם לידיעת בית רבו ומי איכא דלית ליה ידיעת בית רבו


Observation: Rav Papa could also have asked on the teaching from "v'Ne'elam" that knowing the law beforehand from one's teacher is required. He could have asked, "Is there anyone that does not have this knowledge?"



תוס' ד"ה שתים

(SUMMARY: Tosfos states four opinions regarding "two that are four.")

הכא פי' בקונטרס בפנים היינו הכנסות ובחוץ היינו הוצאות


Opinion#1: Rashi explains here that "inside" means carrying into the house, and "outside" means carrying out of the house.

ואין נראה מדאיצטריך לקמן למימר וקמפרש הכנסה לאלתר ה"ל לאוכוחי משתים שהן ד' בפנים דהוו כולהו הכנסה


Implied Question: This does not seem correct, as the Gemara later needs to say that the Mishnah explains cases of "Hachnasos" immediately. It should therefore have explained from "two that are four inside" that the entire Mishnah is referring to Hachnasah (and not Hotza'ah).

ונראה כמו שפירש בקונטרס במסכת שבת (דף ב.) שתים הוצאה והכנסה דחיוב של בעל הבית העומד בפנים שהן ארבע הוצאה והכנסה דפטור ובחוץ לעני העומד בחוץ


Opinion#2: It appears that the correct explanation is that of Rashi in Shabbos (2a) that "two" refers to the Hotza'ah and Hachnasah obligations of the house owner "inside." "That are four" refers to the type of Hotza'ah and Hachnasah that are forbidden according to Rabbinic law. "Outside" means (the same as above, with two Torah prohibitions and two Rabbinic prohibitions) that deal with a poor person standing outside the house.

וריב"א פירש שתים דהוצאה דחיוב והוצאה דפטור שהן ד' הכנסה דחיוב ודפטור לבעל הבית העומד בפנים וכן לעני העומד בחוץ


Opinion#3: The Riva explains that the two of Hotza'ah refers to a case of Hotza'ah where he is liable and a case where he is exempt, while "that are four" refers to a case of Hachnasah where he is liable and a case where he is exempt. This is regarding the house owner who is standing "inside," and the same (type of cases) is true regarding the poor person who is standing outside.

דה"נ מפרש לעיל מתני' דהכא שתים הוצאה דעני ודבעל הבית שהן ד' הכנסה דעני ודבעל הבית


Our Mishnah was also explained earlier in this fashion. The two acts of taking out are referring to the poor person and the homeowner, while "that are four" refers to the bringing in by the poor person and by the homeowner.

ובירושלמי בעיא אי איכא לפרושי מתני' כמו שפירש בקונט' או כריב"א ואין להאריך


Observation: The Yerushalmi has a question whether to interpret the Mishnah according to the explanation of Rashi or the Riva. There is no reason to (currently) have a lengthy discussion about this.

ואין להקשות לפירוש ריב"א הא דמפרש ואזיל במתני' דשבת כסדר הקונט' הכנסה והוצאה דעני ולא מפרש הוצאה והוצאה הכנסה והכנסה


Implied Question: One should not ask that according to the Riva that the Mishnah in Shabbos goes on to explain the Mishnah according to Rashi's order of Hachnasah and Hotza'ah of the poor person, as opposed to the Riva's order of two Hotza'os and two Hachnasos. [Why isn't this proof to Rashi's opinion?]

דניחא ליה למינקט הכי כדי לקצר פשט עני ידו לפנים או שנטל כו' והוצאה והוצאה היה צריך להאריך


Answer: It is better to state the cases this way, in order to shorten the Mishnah by saying that the poor person stuck out his hand inside or took etc. If the Mishnah would have had to say each "taking out," it would have had to be much more verbose.

ועוי"ל שתים שהן ד' בפנים היינו חיוב שחייב ומביא קרבן עליהם בפנים בעזרה דהיינו ב' הוצאות וב' הכנסות ושתים שהן ד' בחוץ היינו פטור


Opinion#4: It is also possible that "two that are four inside" means that for these he is liable to bring a Korban inside the Azarah. These are divided into two Hotza'os and two Hachnasos. "Two that are four outside" refers to the cases where one is exempt from bringing a Korban.



תוס' ד"ה ומאי שנא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara did not answer that everyone must be liable in the cases regarding Shabbos.)

וא"ת ולישני דהכא לא מצי תני כי התם משום דדומיא דמראות נגעים קתני כולהו לחיובא


Question: Why doesn't the Gemara answer that here the Mishnah could not have stated two different categories because it had to give a listing similar to the listing of leprosy, where one is liable (i.e. a leper) in all of the cases?

וי"ל דשפיר הוה דומיא דמראות נגעים הואיל ואיכא בהו ד' לחיובא


Answer#1: This is indeed still similar to leprosy, being that there are four cases where he is liable.

והר"ר משה פירש משום דומיא דמראות נגעים אין לו להניח מלפרש דיני שבת אבל בתר דמסיק דהכא לאו עיקר שבת הוא פריך שפיר והא דומיא דמראות נגעים קתני


Answer#2: Rabeinu Moshe explains that just because the case is not exactly like leprosy, the Mishnah should not refrain from explaining the laws of Shabbos. However, after the Gemara concludes that this is not the main place to explain the laws of Shabbos, it is understandable why the Gemara asks that we require the cases to be like those of leprosy.



תוס' ד"ה אבות

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is true regarding Shabbos, but not leprosy.)

אע"ג דבמראות נגעים תני אבות ותולדות


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that regarding leprosy the Mishnah does state Avos and Toldos. [Why, then, couldn't our Mishnah say this regarding Shabbos?]

התם משום דאי אפשר למצוא ב' שהן ד' בענין אחר


Answer: The reason there is because it is impossible to find "two that are four" regarding leprosy without discussing both the Avos and Toldos.



תוס' ד"ה "והא"

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gemara is taking into account all possible cases of Hotza'ah.)

לפי הפשט משמע דלא פריך אלא אהך דהכא משום דלא תני פטורי אבל אההיא דשבת דתני חיובי ופטורי ניחא ליה


Observation: According to the simple explanation of the Gemara, the Gemara implies that it is only asking regarding our Mishnah, because it does not say any exemptions. However, regarding the Mishnah in Shabbos that states liability and exemption, it has no question.

ותימה דהיכי משכחת לה בהוצאות גרידא ב' שהן ד' לבעל הבית וכן לעני


Question: This is difficult. How can we find regarding Hotza'os alone "two that are four" for a homeowner and a poor person?

ומפרש ר"י דהשתא חשיב אף פטור דפטור ומותר דמשכחת כל הח' בהוצאות


Answer: The Ri explains that now the Gemara is including cases of exemption (that are not just exempt according to Torah law, but also are) permitted according to Rabbinic law. This would mean that all eight cases could be found regarding Hotza'os.




תוס' ד"ה מי לא עסקינן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Mishnah makes a point of stating the Toldah of Hotza'ah.)

ואם תאמר ומאי שנא דתני תולדה דהוצאה משאר תולדות של אבות


Question#1: What is the difference between the Toldah of Hotza'ah, which is stated, from the Toldos of other Avos that remain unstated by the Mishnah?

ועוד תימה דקתני סיפא הרי אלו מ' אבות מלאכות חסר אחת משמע דלא תני שום תולדה


Question#2: There is an additional difficulty that the second part of the Mishnah says that these are the forty Avos Melachos, less one. This implies that it does not say any Toldos!

וי"ל דודאי המוציא מרשות לרשות עיקרה לא תנא אלא משום הוצאה אלא דכייל הכנסה דרך קצרה


Answer#1: Certainly, when someone carries from one domain to another, the main prohibition is Hotza'ah. However, it includes bringing in a short manner.

ור"ת פי' משום דהוצאה והכנסה גרועות הן והוי חידוש תנא לה להכנסה לחודה בהדה


Answer#2: Rabeinu Tam explains that being that Hotza'ah and Hachnasah are weak Melachos and are novel ideas, the Tana made a point of stating Hachnasah by itself.



תוס' ד"ה "וקמפרש"

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether or not the text should read "immediately.")

ריב"א לא גריס לאלתר דבלא לאלתר מוכח שפיר דלא מצינן לאשכוחי ב' שהן ד' בפנים וכן בחוץ בלא הכנסות


Text: The Riva does not have the text "immediately," as without this text it is very clear that we cannot find "two that are four inside" or "outside" without including Hachnasah.

ומיהו לפי מאי דפרישית לעיל גרס ליה שפיר


However, based on what we have explained previously, it is understandable why this should be the text. [The Maharsha explains that as Tosfos previously stated (5a, DH "v'Ha") that all of the cases could be talking about Hotza'ah, the only proof that the Mishnah is talking about Hachnasah is that it immediately starts explaining cases of Hachnasah. This means the text is needed.]



תוס' ד"ה רבא אמר רשויות

(SUMMARY: Rashi and the Ri argue regarding the Mishnah's intent when it says "two" twice in the Mishnah in Shabbos.)

פי' בקונ' בפ"ק דשבת (דף ב:) יציאות השבת שתים כלומר שתי רשויות רשות הרבים ורה"י ועל ידיהם יש לך ד' איסורים בפנים וד' בחוץ


Explanation#1: Rashi in Shabbos (2b) explains that when the Mishnah says, "The taking out of Shabbos is two" it means that there are two domains, the public domain and the private domain. Through these two domains, there are four possible prohibitions of carrying inside, and four possible prohibitions of carrying outside.

ולפירושו לא ה"ל למיתני וב' שהן ארבע בחוץ אלא ושהן ד' בחוץ


Implied Question: According to his explanation, it should not have said, "And two that are four outside." Rather, it should have said "(Two that are four inside) and they are four outside." [Why say "two" twice?]

לכך מפרש ר"י דה"ק ברשויות שבת יש ב' חיובים שהן ד' בפנים וב' חיובים שהן ד' בחוץ


Explanation#2: The Ri therefore explains that regarding the domains of Shabbos there are two cases where one is liable that equal four inside, and two cases where one is liable that equal four outside.


Tosfos DH "Rava Amar"

תוס' ד"ה רבא אמר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether Rav Ashi indeed said the answer previously quoted by the Gemara.)

יש שמוחקים רב אשי בתירוצא דלעיל דתנא הכנסה הוצאה קרי לה דהש"ס לא היה קובע דברי רבא אחר רב אשי דביום שמת רבא נולד רב אשי


Opinion#1: Some erase "Rav Ashi" in the answer earlier that the Tana calls Hachnasah "Hotza'ah." This is because the Shas would not have established the words of Rava after those of Rav Ashi, as on the day that Rava died Rav Ashi was born.

ואין למחקו בשביל כך דמילתא דרבא לא קאי לתרוצי קושיות ורבא לא בא אלא ליישב דמתני' דקתני יציאות ולא קתני הוצאות דיציאות משמע מוצאות ומבואות דהיינו רשויות והש"ס קבעה כאן משום דבהכי מיתרצא פירכא דוהא יציאות קתני


Opinion#2: One should not erase "Rav Ashi" for this reason. Rava's statement is not coming to answer questions. Rava is only coming to explain that our Mishnah says, "Yetzios" and not "Hotza'os" because "Yetzios" implies taking out and in from different domains. The Gemara established it here because this helps answer the question, "Doesn't it say, "Yetzios?"

תדע דאי בא לתרץ מי דוחקו לומר כן הא ע"כ תנא הכנסה הוצאה קרי ליה מההיא דהמוציא מרשות לרשות


You should know this is true, as if Rava was coming to give an answer, who made him say this answer? It must be that the Tana called Hachnasah "Hotza'ah," as is apparent from the Mishnah of "ha'Motzi mei'Reshus l'Reshus" -- "One who takes out from one domain to another (which includes both Hachnasah and Hotza'ah)."



תוס' ד"ה שנים

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the meaning of these four categories of white leprosy.)

סדר לבנוניתן שלג צמר לבן סיד ההיכל וקרום ביצה


Explanation: The order of whiteness is (from light to dark): snow, wool, white, plaster of the Heichal, and eggshell.

והיה נראה לומר דכל למעלה משלג בכלל שלג ומצמר ועד שלג בכלל צמר ומסיד ועד צמר בכלל סיד ומקרום ועד סיד בכלל קרום


It seems that whatever is lighter than snow is included in snow, and whatever is lighter than wool and darker than snow is included in wool. Whatever is lighter than plaster and darker than wool is called plaster, and whatever is lighter than eggshell and darker than plaster is called eggshell.

והוה אתי שפיר הא דתנן במסכת נגעים (פ"א משנה ד) ע"ב מראות דהרבה מראות נגעים יש אבל אין לחלקם לענין צירוף אלא לארבעה


The Mishnah in Nega'im (1:4) is understandable when it says there are seventy-two Maros, as there are many shades of Nega'im. However, one cannot divide them into more than four categories when it comes to combining them (to make a Nega).

אבל קשה דהיכי פריך לקמן ויאמרו מקרום ביצה ולמעלה טמא ומצטרף איך היינו מחלקים אותן לד' מראות הללו והיאך הייתי יודע סדר צירופן אם לא מנאם


Question: However, it is difficult. How can the Gemara ask later that people will say that whatever is lighter than eggshell is impure and combines (with any other lighter shade of white)? How would we separate the Maros into these four categories? How would I know how to combine them if they were not counted? [Accordingly, what is the Gemara's question? There is clearly a big difference in Halachah if they are separated into categories!]

לכך נראה דאין דרך הנגע לבא אלא בד' מראות הללו ואין מראות אחרות בינתיים וכן פירש בקונט' בסמוך


Answer: It therefore seems that the Nega does not usually come in anything besides these four colors. There usually are no other colors. This is also Rashi's explanation later in the Gemara.

וע"ב דחשיב במסכת נגעים חשיב פתיכי או נגעי בתים ובגדים כדפי' במתני'


The seventy-two shades mentioned in Nega'im include mixed colors or leprosy of houses and clothes, as I explained in the Mishnah (see Tosfos 2a, DH "Maros").

ומיהו אפשר שבכל אחד יש כמה מראות שיש שלגים לבנים זה מזה וכולן מראה שלג וכן צמר לבן נקי בן יומו דמפרש לקמן לבן מצמר אחר והכל מראה צמר וכן סיד וקרום אבל לעולם לא יבא הנגע כ"א בד' מראות הללו


However, it is possible that in each one there are many types of leprosy, as there are snows that are whiter than other snows, and they all look like snow. Similarly, there is white wool that is very clean from the day that the sheep is just born (see 6b), which is more white than other wool. All of these colors are considered like wool. The same applies to plaster and eggshell. However, leprosy will never be anything other than these four categories of colors (of white).



תוס' ד"ה שאת

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Nega'im according to Rebbi Meir.)

הש"ס מקצר ומדלג דר"מ דאמר בריש מסכת נגעים שאת כקרום ביצה שניה לה כצמר לבן


Explanation: The Gemara is shortening its discussion and skipping over the fact that Rebbi Meir in the beginning of Nega'im says that Si'eis is eggshell, and that its secondary color is white wool.

ונראה דצמר לבן דר"מ לא איירי בנקי בן יומו כמו חכמים אלא צמר שאינו נקי ושחור מסיד דאין סברא דלשאת שהיא שחורה מכולן שתהיה תולדתה לבנה מתולדה דבהרת שהיא לבנה מכולן


It appears that white wool according to Rebbi Meir is not the color of wool on the day a sheep is born, as it is according to the Chachamim. Rather, it is unclean wool, and is darker than plaster. This is because there is no reason for Si'eis, which is darker than other shades of leprosy, to have a lighter Toldah of white than the Toldah of Baheres which is (known as) the most white of all shades of leprosy.



תוס' ד"ה אם כן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes that there seems to be much argument regarding whether or not Si'eis and Baheres combine.)

תימה תקשה נמי ליה טיהרת בהרת מלצרף דאי בהדי סיד איכא צמר דעדיף מסיד ואי בהדי צמר לאו מינה הוא


Question: This is difficult. Why doesn't Rebbi Chanina ask that (if the Mishnah is according to Rebbi Akiva) you have made Baheres unable to combine to form leprosy? If one requires something to combine with plaster, there is wool that is better than plaster. If one requires something to combine with wool, it is not the same type!

ובקונטרס פירש דבהרת ושאת שמצטרפים כדדרשינן בת"כ והיה מלמד שמצטרפים זה עם זה


Answer: Rashi explains that Baheres and Si'eis combine, as is derived in Toras Kohanim from the word, "v'Hayah" which teaches that they combine with each other.

וקשה דא"כ תולדות נמי יצטרפו


Question#1: This is difficult. If so, Toldos should also combine!

וע"ק דבירושלמי בריש מכילתין אומר רבי יוסי ב"ר בון והיו אין כתוב כאן אלא והיה מלמד שאין מצטרפות זה עם זה תני חזקיה לנגעי צרעת אין כתוב כאן אלא לנגע מלמד שאין מצטרפות


Question#2: There is another question. In the Yerushalmi, in the beginning of our Mesechta, Rebbi Yosi b'Rebbi Boon says that the Pasuk does not say, "v'Hayu" but rather says, "v'Hayah." This teaches that they do not combine with each other. Chizkiyah says a similar teaching, noting that the Pasuk does not say, "for the Nega'im of leprosy" but rather "for the Nega." This teaches that they do not combine.

ומיהו ההיא גופה תימה דמייתי לה אהך דמסיק התם דמצטרפים וצ"ע שם


However, this itself is difficult, as the Yerushalmi quotes this regarding its conclusion that they do combine. In depth study is required on that Yerushalmi.



תוס' ד"ה "טיהרת"

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it is not merely a matter of fact that Rebbi Akiva does not agree with our Mishnah.)

וא"ת אמאי לא מקשה בפשיטות דמתני' דלא כר' עקיבא דבמתני' קתני שניה כסיד ההיכל משמע דמצטרפין סיד עם השלג אבל לא עם הצמר ולר"ע אדרבה מצטרפת עם הצמר ולא עם השלג שגבוה ממנו ב' מעלות


Question: Why doesn't the Gemara ask simply that our Mishnah is clearly unlike the opinion of Rebbi Akiva (who says that the order of their whiteness is snow, wool, plaster, and eggshell)? Our Mishnah says that second to Baheres (whose primary color is snow) is like the plaster of the Heichal. This implies that plaster combines with snow, but not with wool. According to Rebbi Akiva, the opposite is true! Plaster should combine with wool but not with snow, which is much lighter than it by two categories!

וי"ל דה"פ אם נאמר מתני' ר"ע היא והא דקתני שניה לה כסיד ההיכל לא להצטרף עמהם אלא לומר שתולדה היא ולא תצטרף עם הצמר אע"פ שאין גבוה ממנו כ"א מעלה אחת


Answer: This is what the Gemara means. [We could make an argument that the Mishnah is according to Rebbi Akiva, but it is difficult.] If we say our Mishnah is Rebbi Akiva, we will have to make the following assumptions. The Mishnah's statement that "second to it" is plaster of the Heichal does not mean that it can combine with snow, but rather that it is a Toldah of Baheres, and therefore does not combine with wool even though it is only one category lighter.

ור' עקיבא דקתני זו למעלה מזו לא שיצטרף הסיד עם הצמר דהא לאו תולדה היא אלא לומר שלא יצטרף הסיד עם השלג אע"ג דתולדה היא הואיל וגבוה ממנו ב' מעלות א"כ טיהרת סיד ההיכל


Additionally, Rebbi Akiva's statement that each is lighter than the other is not in order that plaster should combine with wool, as it is not a Toldah, but rather to say that plaster should not combine with snow even though it is a Toldah. This is because it is two categories removed from it. If so, you have essentially stated that the color of plaster is pure (from being able to combine with other colors)!



תוס' ד"ה אי הכי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations for the Gemara's question.)

פירוש אא"ב דמתניתין דלא כר' עקיבא שפיר


Explanation#1: This means that if you will say that our Mishnah is unlike Rebbi Akiva, it is understandable. [The Maharsha says that it is as if the Gemara said, "Hachi Nami Mistavra" -- "it is indeed logical (that the Mishnah is unlike Rebbi Akiva)."]

והר"ר משה מאייבר"א פירש אא"ב דר' עקיבא דקאמר זו למעלה מזו מודה נמי דאב ותולדה דידיה מצטרפין והא דקאמר זו למעלה מזו אתא לאוסופי דאפילו סיד וצמר או סיד וקרום מצטרפין אף על גב דלאו בר מיניה הוא


Explanation#2: Rabeinu Moshe mei'Ibra explains that (the Gemara means) if you will say the following, it is understandable. Rebbi Akiva, who says that each shade is lighter than the other, also agrees that an Av and Toldah can combine. He only said each is lighter than the other to add that even plaster and wool or plaster and eggshell can combine, even though they are not in the same category.

ומתניתין נמי דקתני ושניה לה כו' סבירא לה נמי זו למעלה מזו אלא דאתא לאשמועינן דאפי' שלג וסיד או צמר וקרום שגבוהות זו מזו שתי מעלות מצטרפין הואיל ובר מיניה הוא אתי שפיר דכולהו מצטרפין אהדדי בר משלג וקרום שאין מצטרפין זה עם זה יחד


Our Mishnah that says, "And second to it etc." also holds that each shade is lighter than the next. It comes to teach that even snow and plaster or wool and eggshell, where one is higher than the other by two categories, combine to form leprosy. This is because they belong to the same category. This would mean that every category combine with another category to form leprosy, aside from snow and eggshell.

אלא לדידך דפרכת א"כ טיהרת סיד ההיכל אם כן סבירא לך דלרבי עקיבא לעולם לא מצטרפין אלא עם סמוכה מעלה אחת ולמתני' אין מצטרפין אלא אם כן בר מינה


However, according to you who asked that if so you have purified plaster (from combining with another category), you hold that Rebbi Akiva holds that combinations can only be with the closest category (not two categories removed). According to our Mishnah, two shades only combine if they are in the same category (of Baheres or Si'eis).

ואי אתיא מתניתין כרבי עקיבא לא מצטרפין אלא אב ותולדה דידה שהיא גבוה מעלה אחת א"כ קרום נמי תקשי לך


If our Mishnah is according to Rebbi Akiva, an Av and its Toldah can only combine if one is one category lighter than the other. If so, you should also ask about eggshell (not just about plaster)!