
How many times did Aharon sprinkle the blood of the Par (and later, the Sair) in the Kodesh Kodashim)?


Rashi: He sprinkles it eight times, once above and seven times below.


What are the implications of "al-P'nei ha'Kappores"?


Succah, 5a: Since no face measures less than a Tefach, it teache us that the Kapores was a Tefach thick. 1


See Torah Temmah, note 55.


Why does the Torah repeat the word "Yazeh"?


Yoma, 55a: To teach Aharon that, when counting (verbally), 1 he should repeat 'Achas' with each number. 2


'Achas, Shetayim, Shalosh ... '.


'Achas, Achas ve'Achas, Achas u'Shetayim ... '.


Why does he sprinkle once above and seven times below?


Moshav Zekenim: It suffices that the lower be a seventh [of the potency] of the upper (therefore they require seven times as many). Sifri (Ha'azinu 32:3) says that Moshe mentioned Hashem's name after 21 words, because the angels say it after three 1 (Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh). Tehilim 148 mentions "Halelu" seven times regarding Heavenly beings, and once "Min ha'Aretz." 2


This is unlike Chulin 91b, which says that Yisrael say Hashem's name after two words (Shma Yisrael), and angels after three. (PF)


This requires investigation, for here below is seven times as numerous, and there above is seven times as numerous! (PF)



Rashi writes that he sprinkles once above and seven times below. What are 'above' and 'below'?


Yuma (5:3): He did not intend [that the blood go] above or below, rather, k'Matzlif., i.e. like one who lashes (Zevachim 38a). Rashi (38a) - 'above' means that his hand was below, and he flicked the blood [towards the Kapores, slightly] upwards; 'below' means that his hand was above, and he flicked the blood [slightly] downwards. Tosfos (Yuma 15a, citing the Aruch) - he raises his hand, and does not strke until he lowers it.


Rashi (Yuma 53b): He intended [that the drops land] in a row, one under the other. 1


Bartenura (Yuma 5:3): The drops land in a row next to each other, on the ground. (Surely Rashi agrees according to Chachamim (Yoma 57a), who say that when sprinkling 'on' the Paroches he does not intend for the blood to hit the Paroches. R. Eliezer b'Ribi Yosi disagrees. The drops should be 'in order' on the Paroches. However, perhaps all agree that in the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim, he did not intend that the drops hit the Aron or Kapores. (PF)

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