
ANIMALS AND TECHUM YOM TOV (Yerushalmi Halachah 3 Daf 21b)

משנה הבהמה והכלים כרגלי הבעלים


(Mishnah): An animal and utensils follow the feet (Techum) of their owner.

המוסר בהמתו לבנו או לרועה הרי היא כרגליו


One who transfers his animal to his son or to a shepherd, it follows the owner's feet.

כלים המיוחדין לאחד מן האחים שבבית הרי הן כרגליו ושאין מיוחדין הרי אלו כמקום שהולכין


If there are utensils that belong to a specific brother in a household, they follow his feet; if they do not belong specifically to him, they may only be taken to places where all of the household may walk.

גמרא מתני' בשמסרה לו בי''ט אבל אם מסרה לו מעי''ט כרגלי הרועה


(Gemara): The Mishnah discusses when he transferred the animal (to the shepherd) on Yom Tov; but if he transferred it before Yom Tov, it follows the feet of the shepherd.

בשיש שם רועה אחר אבל אם אין שם רועה אחר כרגלי הבקר


It also discusses when there is another shepherd in the town; but if there is no other shepherd (and all of the inhabitants of the town give their animals to this shepherd, it follows the shepherd's feet.

ותני כן המוסר בהמתו לבקר אע''פ שלא הודיע לבקר הרי זו כרגלי הבקר


Proof (Beraisa): If a person transfers his animal to a shepherd, even though he did not inform the shepherd, it follows the shepherd's feet.


BORROWED UTENSILS (Yerushalmi Halachah 4 Daf 21b)

משנה השואל כלים מחברו מעי''ט כרגלי השואל בי''ט כרגלי המשאיל


(Mishnah): If a person borrows utensils from his friend before Yom Tov, they follow the feet of the borrower; if he borrows them on Yom Tov, they follow the feet of the lender.

האשה ששאלה מחבירתה תבלין ומים ומלח לעיסתה הרי אלו כרגלי שתיהן


If a woman borrowed spices, water and salt for her dough, they follow the feet of both (the borrower and the lender, and may only be taken to a place that both people may go).

[דף מח עמוד א (עוז והדר)] ר' יהודה פוטר במים מפני שאין בו ממש


R. Yehuda exempts water from this law, since it is not recognisable.

גמרא א''ר בא תחומין עשו אותן כמידת הדין


(Gemara - R. Ba): For the Techum of utensils, the Sages followed the Torah law (that even though the utensil was not actually lifted by the borrower; but for the purposes of Techum, it is considered that an acquisition was made when they made the agreement).

תדע לך שכן [ממתני']


The Mishnah supports this. (Why does our Mishnah need to state that 'before Yom Tov, they follow the feet of the borrower'? It must be to teach that the ruling applies even if he did not make a physical acquisition).

תמן אמרין בשם רב חסדא ולא ידעין אין מן שמועה ואין מן מתני' ואפי' עצים וסברנן מימר עצים אין בהן ממש


In Bavel they quote Rav Chisda's statement, but it is unknown if he was teaching a tradition (received from his teachers) or a ruling from the Mishnah - Rav Chisda said 'even wood'. (If a person borrowed firewood and baked bread on them, the bread's Techum follows both of them.) They understood that (just as in the Mishnah, the water is exempted because it is not recognisable, so the firewood here is exempt, since it is not recognisable).

ר' יודה פוטר במים מפני שאין בהן ממש


The Mishnah had taught: R. Yehuda exempts water from this law, since it is not recognisable.

מה נפק מביניהון


Question: What is the practical difference between the two opinions?

[דף כב עמוד א] המים [שבתבשיל] מאן דאמר מפני שאין בהן ממש הרי (יש) [אין] בהן ממש מאן דאמר מפני שהן נבלעין בעיסה הרי אינן נבלעין בתבשיל


Answer: The water in the food. According to R. Yehuda, it is not recognisable (and therefore exempt). According to Rabbanan, it is not absorbed into the food (so it acquires a location for Yom Tov).