[a - 43 lines; b - 42 lines]

1)[line 1]מכה של חללMAKAH SHEL CHALAL- an internal wound

2)[line 2]גב היד וגב הרגלGAV HA'YAD V'GAV HA'REGEL- the top of the hand and the top of the foot

3)[line 6]אומדOMED- evaluation

4)[line 8]אישתא צמירתאESHATA TZEMIRTA- (O.F. maleveid) a fever which heats and burns the body

5)[line 11]ככי ושיניKACHEI V'SHINEI- his gums and teeth. TOSFOS learns that KACHEI are molars and SHINEI are the front teeth.

6)[line 12]אקושיAKUSHEI- they are hard

7)[line 12]כמכה דבראי דמוK'MAKAH D'VARAI DAMU- they are like an external affliction (the gums and the teeth)

8)[line 13]כיון דגואי קיימיKEIVAN D'GAVAI KAIMEI- since they (the gums and teeth) stand inside the mouth, they are considered like internal afflictions

9)[line 15]החושש בשיניוHA'CHOSHESH B'SHINAV- one who has slight soreness in his teeth

10)[line 16]יגמעYIGMA- swallow

11)[line 16]כאיב ליה טובאKA'IV LEI TUVA- if it hurts him a lot

12)[line 18]חש בצפדינאCHASH B'TZEFIDNA- if he suffers from Tzefidna, a disease which first affects the teeth and gums and spreads to the intestines, possibly scurvy

13)[line 19]מטרוניתאMATRONISA- a Roman matron; aristocratic woman

14)[line 19]עבדא חמשא ומעלי שבתאAVDA CHAMSHA U'MA'ALEI SHABSA- she made him a remedy on Thursday and Friday

15)[line 22]נפק דרשה בפירקאNAFAK DERASHAH B'PIRKA- he went out and taught it (the remedy) publicly in his lecture

16)[line 23]דגלי לה מעיקראD'GALEI LAH ME'IKARA- he told her from the beginning that he had not made a binding oath

17)[line 25]בני מעייםBENEI ME'AYIM- intestines

18)[line 25]סימניהSIMANEI- its symptoms

19)[line 26]ומייתי דמא מבי דריU'MAISI DAMA MI'BEI DAREI- and blood comes from the rows of his teeth

20)[line 26]מקרירי קרירי דחיטי ומחמימי חמימי דשערי ומשיורי כסא דהרסנאME'KARIREI KARIREI D'CHITEI UME'CHAMIMEI CHAMIMEI D'SA'AREI UMI'SHIYUREI KASA D'HARSANA- [this illness comes] from [eating] very cold wheat products or very hot barley products or small fish that are cooked with flour in their own juice and oil

21)[line 27]מי שאורMEI SE'OR- the liquid part of sourdough

22)[line 28]משחא דאווזא בגדפא דאווזאMISHCHA D'AVZA B'GADFA D'AVZA- [she applied to the outside of his teeth] liquefied fat of a goose with a goose feather

23)[line 29]טייעא ההואHA'HU TAIYA- a certain Arab merchant

24)[line 29]קשייתא דזיתא דלא מלו תילתאKASHYASA D'ZEISA D'LO MALU TILSA- pits of unripe olives that have not grown a third of their eventual growth

25)[line 30]וקלנהו אמרא חדתאU'KELINHU A'MARA CHADETA- and burn them on top of a new hoe

26)[line 30]ודביק ביה דדריV'DABEIK BEI D'DAREI- and apply it to your teeth

27)[line 33]ורמא ליהV'RAMA LEI- and he applied it

28)[line 33]אשקיהA'SHAKEI- on his leg

29)[line 34]דלחכוהו לשקיה פסקיה לשקיהD'LACHKUHU L'SHAKEI PASKEI L'SHAKEI- [had they (Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi) not] removed it (the salve) from his leg, it would have been amputated

30)[line 35]דמוקמי ביה מיני בנפשייהוD'MUKMEI BEI MINEI B'NAFSHAIHU- [because of the heretics' hatred for Rebbi Abahu, due to his refutations of their distorted interpretations of Scripture,] they were willing to suffer the damage that malpractice would do to their reputation, as long as they could inflict harm on Rebbi Avahu

31)[line 36]פדעתאPAD'ASA- a wound caused by a sword

32)[line 37]תחלי בחלאTACHLEI B'CHALA- [he should drink] cress that has been soaked in vinegar or apply this mixture to the wound (RASHI, TOSFOS)

33)[line 38]לאסוקיL'ASUKEI- to heal the wound; i.e., to cause new flesh to grow at the place of the wound

34)[line 38]גרדא דיבלא וגירדא דאסנאGIRDA D'YAVLA V'GIRDA D'ASANA- [he should apply] the scrapings of a certain type of grass and the scrapings of thornbushes

35)[line 38]ניקרא מקילקלתאNIKRA ME'KILKALTA- [he should apply] worms that chickens peck at in the trash heap

36)[line 39]עינבתא פרוונקא דמלאכא דמותאINVESA PARVANKA D'MAL'ACHA D'MAVSA- this boil is [very dangerous and is] the agnet of the angel of death

37)[line 39]טיגנא בדובשאTIGNA B'DUVSHA- a certain type of plant [ground up and] mixed with honey

38)[line 40]כרפסא בטילייאKARPESA B'TILYA- celery with wine

39)[line 40]עינבתא בת מינא וניגנדר עילויINVESA BAS MINA V'NIGANDER ILAVEI- take a grape that is similar to the boil and roll it (the grape) on it (boil)

40)[line 41]חיורתי לחיורתי ואוכמתי לאוכמתיCHIVARTEI L'CHIVARTEI V'UCHMASEI L'UCHMASEI- a white grape for a white boil, and a black grape for a black boil

41)[line 41]סימטא פרוונקא דאשתא היאSIMTA PARVANKA D'ISHTA HI- an abscess is the agent, or precursor, of fever

42)[line 42]למחייה שיתין איתקותלי וליקרעיה שתי וערבL'MACHYEI SHITIN ISKUTLEI V'LIKRE'EI SHESI V'EREV- he should hit (the abscess) with sixty snaps of his fingers and let him tear it open by its width and length. He places his index finger along his thumb and snaps his finger so that his fingernail will hit the blister. This was done to soften the blister prior to opening it.


43)[line 1]בפיקעאB'FIK'A- [pain] in the rectum

44)[line 2]שב ביני אהלא תולנאSHAV BINEI AHALA TOLANA- [take] seven seeds of red aloe

45)[line 3]וצייר ליה בחללא דבי צואראV'TZAYER LEI B'CHALALA D'VEI TZAVARA- and tie them up in a cloth from the neck of a shirt. The Gemara directs the sick person to tie up the aloe seeds in the cut-out piece of cloth.

46)[line 3]וליכרריך עילויה נירא ברקאV'LICHRICH ILAVAE NIRA BARKA- and wrap around it (the bundle) animal hair

47)[line 4]וטמיש ליה בנטפא חיורא וליקליהV'TAMISH LEI B'NATFA CHIVRA V'LIKLEI- and dip it into white stacte (a spice) and burn it

48)[line 6]קשיתא דאסנאKASHISA D'ASANA- seeds of the fruit of thornbushes

49)[line 6]לינח פיקא להדי פיקאLEINACH PIKA LEHADEI PIKA- and place the slit of the fruit against the slit (the opening of the rectum)

50)[line 8]תרבא דצפירתא דלא אפתחTARBA D'TZFIRTA D'LO IPTACH- the fat of a goat that has never given birth

51)[line 9]וליפשרV'LIFSHAR- and melt them

52)[line 9]תלת טרפא קרא דמייבשי בטולאTELAS TARFA KARA D'MEYAVSHEI B'TULA- [and bring] three [dried] gourd leaves that were dried in the shade

53)[line 11]משקדי חלזוניMISHKEDEI CHILZONEI- shells of snails

54)[line 11]משח קיראMESHACH KIRA- wax oil; i.e. olive oil and wax that have been mixed together

55)[line 11]בשחקי דכיתנא בקייטאB'SHACHAKEI D'CHISNA B'KAITA- [he should wear] linen clothing in the summer

56)[line 12]ודעמר גופנא בסיתווהVED'AMAR GUFNA B'SISVA- [and he should wear warm] cotton clothing during the winter

57)[line 12]חש באודניהCHASH B'UDNEI- he had pain in his ear

58)[line 14]לא איברי כולייתאLO IBREI KULYASA- and the kidneys were created only [as a remedy for earaches]

59)[line 15]שקיינוSHAKYANU- liquids

60)[line 16]כולייתא דברחא קרחאKULYASA D'VARCHA KARCHA- a kidney of a hairless goat (i.e. any goat - but not a sheep)

61)[line 17]אמללא דנוראAMLALA D'NURA- glowing coals

62)[line 18]תרבא דחיפושתא גמלניתאTARBA D'CHIPUSHTA GAMLANISA- the fat of a large beetle

63)[line 19]שב פתילתא דאספסתאSHAV PETILASA D'ASPASTA- seven wicks of grain in its earliest stage of development

64)[line 20]שופתא דתומאSHUFTA D'SUMA- lit. the handles of the garlic. This refers to the dried leaves by which one holds the garlic clove.

65)[line 20]]ברקאBARKA- animal hair

66)[line 21]וליתוב אודניה להדא נוראV'LESUV UDNEI LEHADA NURA- and he should place his ear near the fire

67)[line 21]מזיקאMI'ZIKA- from the wind. This means that he must be careful not to expose his ear to the wind and to drafts.

68)[line 24]אודרא דנדא דלא משקיףUDRA D'NADA D'LO MESHAKIF- violet wool that has not been combed

69)[line 25]גובתא דקניא עתיקא בר מאה שניןGUVTA D'KANYA ATIKA BAR ME'AH SHENIN- a tube of reed that is one hundred years old (not a freshly cut one from an ancient reed)

70)[line 25]מילחא גללניתאMILCHA GELALNISA- (O.F. sel geme) rock-salt

71)[line 27]מעלין אזנים בשבתMA'ALIN AZNAYIM B'SHABBOS- we may raise the ears on Shabbos. This procedure may be done in the event that the sinews of the ear move downward out of position and cause the jaw to become dislocated, in which case there is danger of permanent injury if the sinews are not raised to their proper position.

72)[line 28]מזריף זריףMAZRIF ZARIF- (a) (O.F. esgrati(g)nier - scratches) it lacerates [the flesh]; (b) (O.F. enfle - swollen) it causes swelling

73)[line 29]עין שמרדהAYIN SHE'MARDAH- lit. an eye that rebels. This refers to an eye that is swollen and threatens to burst forth from its socket, just as a person will rebel and leave his master's service.

74)[line 29]לכוחלאL'KOCHLA- to place ointment on

75)[line 30]דשחקי סמניןD'SHACHAKEI SAMANIN- that they ground up the herbs

76)[line 31]רשות הרביםRESHUS HA'RABIM- public domain. A public domain is defined as a thoroughfare that is sixteen Amos wide and open at both ends, or an open plaza that can hold many people. According to some Rishonim, 600,000 people must pass through daily for the area to be considered a Reshus ha'Rabim (see Insights to Shabbos 6b).

77)[line 33]מאן ציית ליהודה מחיל שביMAN TZAYIS L'YEHUDAH MACHIL SHAVEI- whoever listens to Yehudah desecrates the Shabbos

78)[line 35]אמתאAMSA- a maidservant

79)[line 36]דקדחא לה עינאD'KADCHA LA EINA- her eye became inflamed

80)[line 36]פקעא עינאPAK'A EINA- the eye burst

81)[line 37]תלו דשורייני דעינא באובנתא דליבאD'SHURYANEI D'EINA B'OVANTA D'LIBA TALU- because the nerves of the eye are connected to the heart. (Therefore, this eye-illness constitues mortal danger, and full desecration of Shabbos is permitted. TOSFOS explains that sight and understanding of the heart depend on each other, therefore we are lenient to allow this form of Shabbos desecration, but not a mid'Oraisa form of Shabbos desecration.)

82)[line 38]ריראRIRA- a disease in which the eye produces a discharge (O.F. beve) that is called eye-gum (O.F. chacide)

83)[line 38]דיצאDITZA- a disease that produces a prickling pain in the eye

84)[line 38]דמאDAMA- (O.F. sancterude) a red spot that is produced by a burst blood vessel

85)[line 39]דימעתאDIM'ASA- constant flow of tears

86)[line 39]וקידחאV'KIDCHA- (O.F. eschalfaison) and high fever

87)[line 39]ותחילת אוכלאU'SECHILAS UCHLA- and the beginning of the disease

88)[line 39]ופצוחי עינאU'FETZUCHI EINA- and improving (lit. brightening) eyesight

89)[line 40]זיבוראZIBURA- a bee

90)[line 40]ודחרזיה סילואUD'CHARZEI SILVA- and one whose skin has been pierced by a thorn

91)[line 40]וסמטאV'SIMTA- and one who has a blister

92)[line 41]בי בניBEI BANI- in the bathhouse

93)[line 41]חמה לחמהCHAMAH L'CHAMAH- a radish [is a remedy] for a fever

94)[line 41]וסילקא לצינאV'SILKA L'TZENA- and beets [are a remedy] for the chills

95)[line 42]חמימי לעקרבאCHAMIMEI L'AKRABA- hot water [is a remedy] for a scorpion bite